Nancy Hoffman is a vice president and senior advisor at Jobs for the Future, a national nonprofit in Boston, the mission of which is to improve educational and workforce outcomes for low-income young people and adults. She works on the Early College High School Initiative and state policy supporting high school and postsecondary completion. Hoffman serves as a consultant for the Education and Training Policy unit of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She has held teaching and administrative posts at Brown, Temple, Harvard, FIPSE, MIT, and elsewhere. She holds a BA and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in comparative literature. Recent books include Women’s True Profession: Voices from the History of Teaching (2003), Double the Numbers: Increasing Postsecondary Credentials for Underrepresented Youth (with Kazis and Vargas, 2004), and Minding the Gap: Why Integrating High School with College Makes Sense and How to Do It (with Vargas, Venezia, and Miller, 2007). Hoffman serves on the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education.