Mary E. Dilworth (EdD, Catholic University of America) currently serves as an independent consultant to nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. Dilworth’s career has centered on issues of teacher quality and preparation, with a keen focus on racial/ethnic and linguistic diversity and equity issues. She led a host of education research, policy, and program initiatives as vice-president of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and senior vice-president of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. In addition, she served as visiting professor and director of the Center for Urban Education at the University of the District of Columbia. Earlier in her career Dilworth was affiliated with Howard University in Washington, DC. She was a research fellow with the university’s Institute for the Study of Educational Policy (ISEP) and subsequently the coordinator of education and training for Howard University Hospital. While at ISEP, Dilworth wrote the book Teachers’ Totter: A Report on Teacher Certification Issues, widely recognized as heightening the national discourse on the disparate impact of licensing tests on underrepresented groups. She recently completed work as coprincipal investigator for a National Science Foundation project (NSF-DR12) designed to recruit, prepare, license, and employ secondary science teachers from underrepresented groups. She has authored and contributed to scores of scholarly books, articles, and policy and research reports, including the 2014 report Time for a Change: Diversity in Teaching Revisited, a chapter in the 2013 International Guide to Student Achievement, and an entry in the 2012 Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Dilworth serves on a range of appointed and elected national commissions and boards.