Author: Brittany Nicolaysen

Empowering Early Childhood Educators 

Empowering Early Childhood Educators 

by Nonie K. Lesaux and Stephanie M. Jones on July 21, 2016  Nicholas Kristof, the New York Times columnist, challenges his readers (and the politicians eager to represent them) to ask themselves if we… READ MORE

Teacher Education Still Needs Feminism 

Teacher Education Still Needs Feminism 

by Stephanie Jones and Hilary E. Hughes on June 7, 2016  The majority of teachers in the United States are still women.  Still.  And while many outside teacher education debate versions of… READ MORE

Ethics in Everyday Teaching Practice 

Ethics in Everyday Teaching Practice 

by Jacob Fay and Meira Levinson on May 5, 2016  Teachers vividly recall disruptive students. Consider, for example, eight-year-old Kate. A charming third grader much of the time, Kate has… READ MORE

Seize the Opportunity 

Seize the Opportunity 

by Philip Yenawine on February 4, 2016  It’s hard not to be aware of the challenges we face as a country and global community. Whether it’s terrorism, climate change, political… READ MORE