Cases in Education: Leadership

Arizona State University

Monica Higgins, Nicole Magnuson

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: KC23ARIZ
  • 27 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: KC23ARIZ
  • 13 pages



This case offers a multifaceted examination of leadership, vision, and scaling for impact within a public higher education institution: Arizona State University (ASU). The case is designed to assist students, entrepreneurs, teachers, principals, and executives in studying systems-level change, organizational transformation, and scaling strategies in a resource-constrained environment. Although set within a higher education institution, the case provides opportunity for rich learning that applies across a variety of organizational structures and sectors. Other learning opportunities include leveraging existing resources, inspiring and facilitating innovation, transforming culture and mindsets, and cultivating public-private partnerships to advance strategic objectives and deliver public value or social impact.