Cases in Education: Curriculum

Developing Bilingual Global Citizens in the City of Brotherly Love (B)

E. B. O'Donnell, Fernando Reimers

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: KC10CITYB
  • 9 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: KC10CITYB
  • 2 pages



The purpose of this case is to show that adopting a global studies or global citizenship curriculum means that the entire culture of the school must live out those ideals. But a challenge to offering a global studies program in a school is that some parents may value it more than others.

Subjects: Global Studies, Curriculum
Setting: Charter School

Also available: Creating Global Citizens in the City of Brotherly Love: Independence Charter School—Case A

*Permission to reprint can only be purchased after the actual case has been purchased as a PDF or hard copy.