Cases in Education: Data Use

Increasing College-Going Rates in Fulton County Schools

Lynn Jenkins, Michelle Wisdom, Sarah Glover

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: KC06INCRE
  • 35 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: KC06INCRE
  • 12 pages



“Increasing College-Going Rates in Fulton County Schools” helps participants think about how to use data to challenge assumptions, reveal student needs, address these needs programmatically, and evaluate results. The case shows a team of data specialists and educators working together, across institutional and departmental boundaries, to determine why some high school seniors who intend to go to college after graduation do not enroll in the fall. Together, they develop, implement, and evaluate a summer counseling intervention program called Summer PACE to ensure that more students enroll seamlessly in college.

Subjects: College-going, Guidance Counseling, Data and Assessment, and Leadership
Setting: Public, Urban

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