Cases in Education: Planning

Should Refugees Live in Cities? (B)

Adam Turney, Sarah Dryden-Peterson

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: KC19URBAB
  • 5 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: KC-19-URBAB
  • 5 pages



Case A explores decision-making around a radical shift in policy by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) related to where refugees live and access social services and protection: in camps or cities. It forces participants to grapple with multiple stakeholder perspectives while attempting to identity common ground in the policy-making process. The case also addresses the implications of global policy for context-specific education provision, with focus on education for refugees in Egypt, Kenya, and Uganda. Case B describes the outcomes of the policy debate and its implications for education of refugees.

Subjects: K-12, international, education, leadership, planning, policy
Setting: Egypt, Kenya, Uganda

Also available: Should Refugees Live in Cities? (A)

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