Cases in Education: Development

The Campaign for Spelman College

Bryan McAllister-Grande, Joseph Zolner

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: HE203SPELC
  • 24 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: HE203SPELC
  • 24 pages



At the close of her presidency, Spelman College President Beverly Tatum reflects on one of her many notable accomplishments, The Campaign for Spelman College. Raising more than $150 million, Tatum leads Spelman through an aggressive campaign that dramatically increases the institution’s alumnae participation rate and makes several important academic initiatives possible. Some individuals in the Spelman community, however, feel that these impressive outcomes are achieved at a high institutional cost: the campaign takes a full decade to execute and involves multiple, time-consuming changes of administrative personnel. What are Spelman’s priorities during the campaign? In what ways is the campaign process a success, and what lessons are learned?

Subjects: Institutional Advancement, Development, Fund Raising, Strategic Planning, Marketing, Alumni Relations
Setting: Small Private, Women’s College, Historically Black

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