Cases in Education: Leadership

The International Baccalaureate Program at Josiah Quincy Upper School

Crafting a New Leather Wineskin

E. B. O'Donnell, Fernando Reimers

  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: KC11INTER
  • 10 pages


  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: KC11INTER
  • 10 pages



Dr. Wong wandered past the bulletin boards and posters that lined Josiah Quincy Upper School’s (JQUS) halls… He marveled at how far the school had come, and how much they still had to do to ensure that their students fit this profile. Teachers were asking for additional professional development and some were concerned about the feasibility of meeting the dual set of demands imposed by the district and by the IB organization. There was also some confusion about implementation and even some dissenting opinions about whether it was the right choice for the school. But, as someone who had studied and practiced organizational change, Dr. Wong knew that the path to school improvement is not linear and that often things get worse before they get better.

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